Friday, November 16, 2012

Reflections: Chick Embryology

Last week our class did a lab on the embryology of the chick. We had a chance to observe the development stages from the 13-18 hour chi to the 96 hour chick embryo. It was very interesting to follow one part of development and observe the changes as the chick embryo matured. I decided to follow the brain through its development. The brain begins its development at the 33-hour chick embryonic stage. It is at this stage that you can see the development of the telencephalon which will later be associated with the olfactory organs such as the smell and taste. The telencephalon will later develop into what we know as the cerebrum, which is important for intelligence. The diencephalon will give rise to the hypothalamus and the infundibulum which store the hormones oxytocin and antidiuretic hormone. The mesencephalon will become the process center of what can be seen and what is heard. The myelencephalon will give rise to what we know as the medulla oblongata which is reponsible for balance. As the chick moves onto its next stages, the brain becomes more and more mature and you can see the head folding. Below you can see the different parts in the developing 33-hour, 48-hour, 72-hour, and 96-hour chick embryo.

1 comment:

  1. maybe you can tell me where i can find:
    bmp, wnt, Fgf8 and retinol in a 18 hour embryo
    fgf8 in a 24 hour embryo
    hox 1 until 7 in a 72 hour embryo
